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In the previous articles, we've discussed different features and UI of COMSOL. There's a lot yet to be discussed but it is a better ...

COMSOL Multiphysics Part - 03: What It Takes To Design A Structure - I

In the previous articles, we've discussed different features and UI of COMSOL. There's a lot yet to be discussed but it is a better idea to learn them through designing a structure. What do you think? But before jumping directly into the process, we first need to know which phases we need to follow.

Now have you ever tried to design a structure? Maybe no. But those who have tried to learn SOLIDWORKS or similar software, you may know the fundamental blocks are;

1) Designing blocks:
▣ Selecting the Material
▣ Specifying the Parameters 
▣ Selecting the Components

2) Simulation blocks:
▣ Defining the Mesh
▣ Selecting the Solver Type
▣ Creating the Simulation profile
▣ Defining the Boundary Conditions

From the previous article, we know that the necessary information regarding a model is concerned with the Model Builder Window (Model Tree). Let us explore this section a bit more deeply.

** We will be using Electromagnetic Waves, Beam Envelope > Boundary Mode Analysis as Physics & Stationary as Study. **

Model Tree

This is the resulting Model Builder Window. Here we can see a Root Node which is initially, set as Untitled.mph. This is named under the model file. Two subnodes, Global Definitions & Results are the basic ones. Under Globar Definition, we have the subnode of Material, which represents the material of the model. We can set up the material from the material library. Also, we can have the parameters here.


Again the materials of the design can be selected from the Material Library. This library offers a vast option to choose the proper material even it offers user-defined materials!!!

Material Library

And under the Result subnode, we have,



List of solutions


Derived Values

Defines values to be derived from the solution using post-processing tools



Stores the real-time simulation solution



Defines numerical data, images & animations to be exported to files



Contains automatically generated reports about the model in HTML/MSW 

Results (Datasets)

Results (Table)

As we can see there are additional subnodes in the result node which are not mentioned in the table, i.e. Views, 1D Plot Group 2, etc. These results are added during the simulation process. 
The reminder is that you can always edit the associated settings of each component of the model tree in the Settings Window.

Visit the next article COMSOL Multiphysics Part - 04: What It Takes To Design A Structure - II for Component & Study discussion.

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* Freelancer