Here comes another simulation software! For EEE students, Proteus, MATLAB, PSpice, PSIM, etc. are the most familiar simulation software. ''An uncommon software with a messy user interface!''- this may be the most probable reaction of a beginner at first glance. But this can be a useful tool for a researcher indeed.
What does it do?
COMSOL is mainly a design and simulation software. The specialty of this software is, it can create multiple physics interface. There are plenty of ''Physics'' options to create the environment to figure out the test object's behavior in those physical environments.
What does it provide?
As it is said earlier, COMSOL provides a variety of options to customize the user's project up to the desired scale.
▶ It can provide physics interface of Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical, Fluid, Acoustic, Electromagnetic, Plasmonics, Photonics, Multipurpose & Interfacing, etc.
▶ It can provide different studies like static, continuous, etc.
▶ It provides diversified facilities to design the object according to the project specifications.
▶ The equations are predefined in the software for each physic. The simulation is done based on the equations.
▶ Multiple options to import object structure or design from CAD, Solidworks, or MATLAB. It offers live links.
▶ COMSOL provides a very user-friendly and interactive algorithm that points out the errors made by the user and gives suggestions to correct the errors.
▶ Runs finite element analysis and solver for multiphysics simulation software.
▶ And many more.............
COMSOL team describes their key features as;
⦿ Optimizing and verifying real-world devices and processes with simulation.
⦿ Multiphysics modeling provides accurate results.
⦿ Follow a consistent model workflow.
⦿ Geometry modeling & interfacing with CAD software.
⦿ Predefined interfaces and features for physics-based modeling.
⦿ Transparency and flexibility via equation-based modeling.
⦿ Automated and manual meshing.
⦿ Study step sequence, parameter studies, and optimization.
⦿ Step-of-the-art numerical methods for accurate solutions.
⦿ Extended visualization and post-processing tools for publication-ready modeling results.
⦿ Close the gaps between analysis, design, and production by building simulation applications.
This seems a horrible illustration for the introduction but we hope to explore all the above-mentioned features in the next parts.
Visit our next article on the user interface of COMSOL; COMSOL Multiphysics Part - 02: User Interface (UI)
Visit the tutorial video on COMSOL Multiphysics: Introduction to COMSOL Multiphysics on YouTube.